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The Unconventional Guide To Clean Your Carpets

Let’s start with the basics spotless carpet. You’re right, it’s certainly not the most glamorous subject. But, listen up. There’s much more to this than just moving a vacuum cleaner around or getting upset over a glass of wine that spilled on game night.

You should think of your rug as an old, trusted friend. You wouldn’t allow a friend to sit around with a stain smeared on their shirt if you didn’t help them, right? This is also true for your rug. Regular vacuuming can be compared to giving a pal a pat of the back. It prevents dirt and dust from making a big party of your carpet fibers.

But sometimes things get messy. Someone may have forgotten to wipe their foot and brought the entire garden indoors. When that happens, you can roll up your sleeve and get to work on some deep cleaning. There are different ways of tackling this.

Hot water extraction works like a really good deep-water shower for your carpet. You are essentially washing off all the dirt and grime using hot water before sucking it up again along with the dirt. Keep in mind that it will need time to completely dry. Wet carpets are like stepping on wet socks.

If you aren’t a fan of waiting, then dry-chemical cleaning could be for you. Imagine some magic dust that sticks like honey to dirt. Vacuum and voila! Carpets can be cleaned without any delay.

Encapsulation is a great way to do this. Imagine being able vacuum up the dirt that has been frozen dried from your carpet fibres. Imagine a world where you can vacuum up dirt and debris with little or no mess.

Do not forget the bonnet. This is like buffing carpets. It is fast and will make things look good on the surface. This is especially true in areas where people tend to walk over.

My favorite part is now here: how to deal with those “oops!” moment we all have every so often (like Uncle Joe dropping the spaghetti on his plate). The best way to remove stains is by using the cleaners in your kitchen or store.

The key is to find out what cleaners are best for the different types of carpets and messes you may encounter, so that your living area doesn’t become a mess or a science project gone wrong. Some swear that vinegar and baking powder are the best cleaners. Others may suggest specific cleaners with promises of miracles.

It’s important to remember that carpets vary as much as tastes in music. What works well for one may not work at all for another. Wool rugs prefer gentle cleaning while synthetic rugs may require more elbow grease.

The best way to keep carpets spotless is by performing regular cleaning (vacuuming), deep cleaning (occasional spa treatments), or using quick reflexes.

You can make your carpet look new and clean by making a few simple changes.

Spotless Carpet Cleaning North Shore
1-5 Lynbara Ave, St Ives NSW 2075
(02) 8607 8811

Border Security: The Goldilocks Zone


Oh, border safety. Like that old family recipe for Chili, everyone disagrees on the right mix but no one is able to agree. Some people want it hotter while others want it milder. And then there’s that cousin who adds something strange like chocolate. Everyone has their own secret ingredient when it comes to keeping our country safe. Learn more about Jason Walton’s campaign at https://waltonforsenate.com/.

Let’s just be honest for a minute. The border security doesn’t mean putting up fences or digging moats filled with alligators. (Though I’m sure that someone out there suggested it). It’s a lot like working as a bouncer at arguably the largest and most complicated nightclub in the world. You need to know which guests to let in, whom to watch, and how you can do this without creating a disturbance or making them feel uncomfortable.

Imagine having to keep track of every single person while also making sure they don’t sneak in through the backdoor or try to climb into the bathroom through the window. Doesn’t that sound difficult? Those are the challenges that countries face. The countries have to find a balance between safety and openness. This is like nailing Jell-O on a wall.

The advocates of border security claim that it is essential to keeping out bad actors, people who could want to do harm or disrupt peace. It’s not that they are wrong. Nobody wants uninvited visitors to ruin their party. It’s almost as difficult as convincing grandma you ate enough Thanksgiving dinner.

Many people fear that by focusing on the security of things, we may miss out on some great experiences or opportunities to meet some really cool people. Imagine not trying sushi because of your fear of eating raw salmon? What if you never tried K-pop, because the lyrics were too difficult to understand? It’s not always easy to step outside of your comfort zone, but it can lead to some wonderful surprises.

In economic terms, it is like playing Monopoly while deciding that you will only purchase Baltic Avenue as it feels safer to do so than Boardwalk. While you won’t be bankrupted as fast, you will not win much either. The countries need people to come and go, buy stuff, work, start businesses… basically stir the pot.

We must not forget the heartbreaking stories of individuals and families fleeing from danger zones that are thicker than plots in telenovelas. These narratives remind us, at its heart, that this debate affects real human lives – not just numbers on a sheet of paper or dots on the map.

What are the implications of this? I think we’re somewhere in between “build that Wall” and “come One, Come All.” It’s important to find the Goldilocks zone, where it is not too hot or too cold. It’s about being innovative with technology while not becoming Big Brother, as in George Orwell’s daydreams (or dreams). It means policies and laws that are fair, but also firm–like Mary Poppins would be if she were in charge of Homeland Security.

To conclude (because, yes, each ramble will come to an ending), talking about border protection is a lot like discussing if pineapple belongs on pizza. It can be complicated and get people fired up. At the end of the night (or day), finding the right balance is crucial, even if you have to try a few weird recipes.

Houston Plastic Surgery: Nipped, Tucked and Fabulous

Houston, oh Houston! Houston, oh Houston! Guess what else? Also, it’s a popular place for cosmetic plastic surgery. Hold your horses, we are not talking about a cookie-cutter one-size fits all deal. No sirree! No sirree!

Let’s start by talking about all the options. Want to change the shape of your nose? Rhinoplasty is the answer. You might be considering a breastlift to give gravity a good run for their money. You betcha. You can also use it to remove stubborn love handles. Liposuction will be your best friend. If you dream it in Houston, there is probably someone to do it.

Houston’s Plastic Surgeons Are Not Just Any Docs These plastic surgeons are more like magicians in lab coats who can turn dreams into reality by flicking their wrists (and yes, with years of experience). They’ve seen and corrected it all. The results will make you look twice in the mirror.

Let’s now talk about the shop. Specifically, how these wizards keep things safe and secure like a Fort Knox vault. There are a lot of gadgets, gizmos and gadgets. Think lasers to sculpt the body as you sleep or injections which smooth wrinkles quicker than you can even say “Botox”. They do this all in clinics so clean and tranquil that you would think you had accidentally entered a spa.

It is a big decision to choose to have a procedure done. The process is similar to choosing a tattooist for your very first ink. It can be a little scary, but also exciting. Consultations in Houston tend to be less sales-oriented and more heart-to-heart conversations over coffee. You will find that your surgeon is all ears. He or she will listen to you and gently guide you on what’s best for you.

Here’s a cool fact: Diversity is the king or queen of Houston’s cosmetic surgery scene. The city is proud of every size, shape, color and ethnicity. You’ll be able to find someone that understands your vision, whether it’s to improve on what mom gave you or something totally different.

Remember, the key to patience is perseverance! Rome was not built in one day, and neither are the perfect jawline or derriere. You might feel like the less attractive cousin of Frankenstein for a while, but be patient. You’ll soon be turning all of the heads in a positive way.

As I close (because it seems like this is the only way to end), starting your plastic surgery in Houston journey can be compared to embarking on a great adventure. It’s exciting, scary and ultimately rewarding. Pack plenty of books, research and realistic expectations for the post-op days.

Plastic surgery is explained in Houston without the use of fancy language or rocket science. Let’s be honest, we don’t do space exploration here. We leave that to NASA. If you’re not interested in going under the blade, or drinking margaritas instead, one thing is for certain: Houston’s a city full of doers and dreamers. Anything’s possible here – even getting that nip/tuck just right. Try not to sleep on your textbook tonight. Maybe we should first ask them why they are feeling that way, rather than jumping on our moral high horse. Understanding begins with listening, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Building the Future – How Construction Inspection Software became the Swiss Army knife of the Industry

Let’s get managed it services philadelphia right into the pool without any floaties. Sounds like a mouthful doesn’t? You’ll see that it is just as necessary to the construction industry as Monday morning coffee.

Imagine that you are on a site of construction, surrounded hard hats. You can hear the sounds of machinery. In the past, you might have been clutching a large stack of documents that would rival a small novel. You only need your smartphone or tablet to get by. You are now part of the digital revolution.

What is so great about this program? Imagine having a digital monitor that watches everything on the site. It checks that every piece is in the right place and everyone understands what they are doing. No more losing notes or playing phone tag. The pocket contains everything you could possibly need.

And there’s more. Not only are you keeping an eye on things, but you’re also making smart decisions using real-time data. You can spot problems early. It can be used to identify problems early and fix them before they turn into money pits. Also, this software helps you to remain on the right-side of the law.

The project you are working on is unique, just like your grandmother’s cookie recipe. No worries! These platforms will adapt to any situation. You need to have specific check-lists or you want it compatible with other apps. You can consider it done.

As you can imagine, there are always thorns on any rose garden. We are imagining some very wild things for the future. Think virtual reality or buildings that communicate back. The possibilities are endless.

But change is not everyone’s cup tea, particularly in a field that loves its traditions as much as it does its tools. Plus, along with power (read as data), comes responsibility (read as security headaches).

Now we’re at a crossroads where tradition and technology meet. The goal is to find smarter and more efficient ways to build the future.

Who needs formal conclusions, anyway? It’s important to remember that software for construction inspection isn’t just another gadget in a sea full of tech tools. It’s your 21st century Swiss Army Knife for building things – flexible, reliable and always prepared for action.

Who knows? Who knows? Until then, keep building dreams out of concrete and steel – but maybe let technology hold the ladder for you.platforms like PaidOnlineWritingJobs is kinda like going on an adventure without a map – thrilling yet unpredictable! You could find a treasure or end up walking a plank, but isn’t the thrill of it all?

You should always remember that fortune favours the brave… and also those who take their time to do research! If you want to know if POWJ will be your knight in shining armour or if this is just another desert mirage, then it’s best to do some research and stock up on snacks.

Divine Prayer: Stop the grocery list for heartfelt conversations with the Universe

Divine Prayer Sounds fancy, right? To get in, you would need a secret passcode or a handshake. This is probably the most simple spiritual practice that you will find. There’s no requirement for candles, no need for chanting and certainly no reason to stand under the full moon on one leg.

What is so special about the divine prayer reviews, you ask? Tell me a story. Imagine you have this old friend. Imagine having an old, trusted friend that you could call up at three in the morning because you thought you saw a space alien after watching a lot of sci-fi. Imagine talking to this friend over and over about the same shopping list, rather than discussing life, love, or aliens. Hey buddy, don’t forget that I need milk, eggs, and the world to be at peace. Sounds absurd? This is because it’s ridiculous.

Divine Prayer turns the script on its head. Divine Prayer is all about throwing out the grocery lists and having a genuine heart-toheart with whatever piece of divinity you are devoted to. Call it God. Universe. Spirit. Heck, call Bob if this makes it more personal.

Then let’s get into how the whole thing works. First, intentionality and presence. This may sound like self-help buzzwords, but please stick with me. Simply being your authentic self–warts, blemishes and all- means to be present at the time. Don’t worry about what you will eat for dinner, or about that email which you forgot to send.

Next up: openness. Santa Claus doesn’t need your wish list; he just needs to know what you want to say.

And here’s where things get really interesting–synchronicities start popping up like daisies in springtime. Your high-school crush might appear in your DMs when you least expect it.

So, how can you join the bandwagon? Simple: take some quiet time for yourself each day, and begin talking. Or thinking, if speaking aloud makes you feel like your screws are loosening.

It’s important to be consistent, like you would if you were brushing your own teeth or feeding Mr. Whiskers. And patience, too? Yes, I think that’s pretty good.

This little chat is about how to open yourself up to the life mysteries, one heartfelt conversation and all.

Each sentence contains a wealth of information and each paragraph is an opportunity to improve communication skills. Above all, have fun. It’s all part of DIY, after all. Remember the best part of setting up an online store? You won’t have to worry about wasps trying steal a sip of your lemonade.

OpenAI’s grammar tool: a game changer in web hosting

Now, let’s just get into the weeds. open ai grammar correction tools, are like the friend who’s always got a red pencil ready to correct you texts. You know this friend. They are quick to correct a misplaced or incorrect comma. Hear me out before you snort. The idea is not to turn our backs on human proofreading. It’s more of a way to give our writing a turbo-boost without losing its flavor.

You’re tapping away at your keyboard and ideas start flowing out like water coming from a broken faucet. You have a grammatical mistake. You’ve made a grammatical mistake. OpenAI, our friend, can help. But not in the way you might expect.

This tool first of all gets the context. It doesn’t just punish you for your infinitive splits. It looks at what it is that you’re trying say. Are you writing an email for your boss? It will help you sound professional. Sending a joke to your friend by text? Expect the tone to be relaxed.

OpenAI does more than just correct mistakes. It also gives you mini-grammar lessons. Don’t worry about the squiggly marks that only tell you that something is wrong. This AI tells you, “Hey here’s why that sounds weird,” and gives you nuggets so you can avoid those errors the next time.

Then let’s spice it up by talking about perplexity or burstiness scores. Imagine these scores as a secret sauce that will determine if your writing can put even a coffee fueled parrot to bed or if the zing is enough to keep readers intrigued.

If your writing is high perplexity, it keeps the reader guessing about what will happen next. Burstiness? Burstiness is about combining things, throwing curveballs to make your text unpredictable.

OpenAI is the nudge you need to make sure that your prose doesn’t just sound safe. It also has a little pizzazz. It’s not so much about avoiding grammatical grenades as it is about using all of the colors from the language palette.

Nonetheless (and yes, there’s a always a ‘but’), too much reliance on AI may make us lazy defenders of grammar. Instead of using them as floaties to improve our swimming skills, we should use these tools like springboards.

This whole authenticity debate is also a hot topic. Does getting AI help mean we’re losing the personal touch that makes us unique? Is AI just a way to polish up our ideas?

OpenAI’s grammar gadgets have a profound impact on the way words are put together. The gadgets aren’t only for bandaging booboos. Instead, they encourage us to use more creative ways of expressing our thoughts.

It’s time to wrap up this article, because everything good has to come to an ending. Jumping aboard the OpenAI Train is like going on a quest in language land. Every sentence contains potential discoveries. Each paragraph also helps you develop your communication skills. Above all, have fun. It’s all part of DIY, right? You won’t have to worry about wasps trying steal a sip of your lemonade.

Melbourne’s Painters Transform the City with Brushes and Genius

Oh, Melbourne! The city of Melbourne wears art all over its body and on its streets. We’ll now explore the colourful world of Melbourne painters. The painters propaintersmelbourne.com.au are more than just your ordinary Joe with a paintbrush; they transform boring walls into beautiful canvases.

Imagine strolling down a Melbourne lane. Around every corner, you’ll find a splash or color. It’s all the work of local artists. These heroes don’t only paint but breathe life into a space. They can create cozy spaces that make you feel as if they are hugging you, or vibrant business that shout “look at ME!” Artists do it all.

Hey, not everything is rainbows and butterflies. You might think it’s easy to grab a paintbrush, but then you see a wall that’s as blank as your aunt’s knowledge of social media. There’s also the weather! Melbourne’s moods swings make simple jobs into “will I complete this?” saga.

What is the best way to find a magician for your painting project? You start with a quick chat, similar to speed dating for painting. Then, you share your most wild color ideas and the experts give their opinion based upon what they have learned over years of painting.

Paints are like candy in a shop – there’s so much choice! Everyone is now going green. And I don’t mean the color. The latest trend is eco-friendly paints, because toxic chemicals are so 20th century.

It’s the actual painting that makes all the difference. Others prefer spray guns, while some like the traditional brushes. It’s up to you! The aim? It is to make every little nook and cranny look better without making Mother Nature cry.

We’ll talk about challenges now, because let’s be honest – the world is not always an easy canvas. How to balance what you need with what will look good is more difficult than convincing your grandmother that Wi Fi doesn’t constitute witchcraft.

Melbourne painters are pushing boundaries (or perhaps should I use the word brush?) despite these obstacles. It’s important to learn new techniques in order to remain competitive.

They are appreciated in this city! Many opportunities exist for them to display their talent, including street art competitions and local contests. The Voice is for painters, without spinning chairs and emotional backstories.

Their ability to create a space that sings without damaging the planet is what truly makes them stand out. The artists’ goal is to leave places in a better state than when they arrived, both environmentally and visually.

Melbourne’s charm would be lost without these artists who work tirelessly every day. The painters are passionate about their work and turn ordinary walls into amazing stories, one stroke at time.

Every pop of colour in Melbourne is the result of hours and gallons worth creativity, thanks to some very talented painters. Melbourne’s top painters put hours of effort and creativity into every single pop of color.

When all is said and done, whether you choose to paint your walls in soothing shades of blue or explode them with neon graffiti, know that every decision reflects your life journey…or makes for an interesting conversation over dinner.

What to Do when the Temptation is Strong Enough to Make You Pay Money for Your Math Homework

Now let’s talk about a hot topic, something that is more enticing than a jalapeno. Paying somebody to do math homework. Let’s go there. There’s no need to be evasive or avoid the truth. Get the facts?

Your maths assignment looks like ancient Sumerian to you. Your first thought is, “Maybe someone could do this work for me.” Here, there’s no need to pass judgment. There have been times when we would rather sit and watch paint dry, than to solve another quadratic formula.

First, what makes this idea even occur to you? First of all, it’s a busy world. It’s possible that you have a busy schedule, such as a demanding job or family commitments, while also trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in your social circle (remember these?). You may feel that math homework is like the uninvited person who shows up at your house and won’t leave.

It’s like being in a video game where the difficulty level just jumped from “Meh” to “Why bother?” You’re playing a computer game, and the difficulty just went from “Meh”, all the way to “Why am I bothering?” overnight. Your goal is to score high because grades matter. These devices can be used to open windows and doors when they’re jammed.

What’s your answer to the million-dollar math question? Imagine giving your money to someone who will return work looking like it was done by my grandma. But her speciality is baking cookies not algebra.

But don’t forget Mr. Ethics who sits on your shoulders whispering sweet things about growth, integrity and honesty. If you cheat, you might feel better in a hurry but you will miss the opportunity to learn something. Crazy concept, right?

Also, you run the chance of being found out. Picture yourself submitting an assignment with such perfection that Pythagoras would look amateurish. The teacher’s eyebrows are raised so high that they leave Earth’s orbit. They know you struggle to do basic arithmetic. Busted!

But don’t be mistaken, asking for assistance is fine. No one should feel embarrassed to say that certain numbers can make them want to run away screaming. You might want to consider alternatives instead of just throwing money at a problem.

Consider forming a small study group. Even misery enjoys the company of others. If you’re feeling down, try YouTube or Khan Academy. They have tons of resources that are free and explain the material in a way which doesn’t make people cry.

Talk to your professor or instructor if nothing else works and you really feel lost. You might not find it appealing to eat broccoli for dessert. But, if you listen carefully they may actually value your openness and desire to improve.

The end result (or grade) doesn’t matter as much as how well you performed. Although shortcuts may seem appealing, it’s more satisfying to solve problems on your terms.

If you’re looking for a way to avoid feeling bad or getting into trouble, you should consider alternative solutions before pulling out your wallet.

It’s not just math that is difficult, it’s also you. And who wants the hassle of explaining spending patterns labeled “math homework” during family Monopoly? Don’t be afraid to tackle the maths! Then what is the point of doing it?

When someone whispers, “Can you pay someone else to complete my online classes?” Asking why people feel this way is a better approach than assuming that we are right. It is important to listen, and not just because we are uncomfortable.

What to do when the Temptation is Strong Enough to Make You Pay Money for Your Math Homework

Now let’s talk about a hot topic, something that is more enticing than a jalapeno. Paying somebody to do math homework. Let’s go there. There’s no need to be evasive or avoid the truth. Get the facts!

Your maths assignment looks like ancient Sumerian to you. Your first thought is, “Maybe someone could do this work for me.” Here, there’s no need to pass judgment. There have been times when we would rather sit and watch paint dry, than to solve another quadratic formula.

First, what makes this idea even occur to you? First of all, it’s a busy world. It’s possible that you have a busy schedule, such as a demanding job or family commitments, while also trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in your social circle (remember these?). You may feel that math homework is like the uninvited person who shows up at your house and won’t leave.

It’s like being in a video game where the difficulty level just jumped from “Meh” to “Why bother?” You’re playing a computer game, and the difficulty just went from “Meh”, all the way to “Why am I bothering?” overnight. Your goal is to score high because grades matter. These devices can be used to open windows and doors when they’re jammed.

What’s your answer to the million-dollar math question? Imagine giving your money to someone who will return work looking like it was done by my grandma. But her speciality is baking cookies not algebra.

But don’t forget Mr. Ethics who sits on your shoulders whispering sweet things about growth, integrity and honesty. If you cheat, you might feel better in a hurry but you will miss the opportunity to learn something. Crazy concept, right?

Also, you run the chance of being found out. Picture yourself submitting an assignment with such perfection that Pythagoras would look amateurish. The teacher’s eyebrows are raised so high that they leave Earth’s orbit. They know you struggle to do basic arithmetic. Busted!

But don’t be mistaken, asking for assistance is fine. No one should feel embarrassed to say that certain numbers can make them want to run away screaming. You might want to consider alternatives instead of just throwing money at a problem.

Consider forming a small study group. Even misery enjoys the company of others. If you’re feeling down, try YouTube or Khan Academy. They have tons of resources that are free and explain the material in a way which doesn’t make people cry.

Talk to your professor or instructor if nothing else works and you really feel lost. You might not find it appealing to eat broccoli for dessert. But, if you listen carefully they may actually value your openness and desire to improve.

The end result (or grade) doesn’t matter as much as how well you performed. Although shortcuts may seem appealing, it’s more satisfying to solve problems on your terms.

If you’re looking for a way to avoid feeling bad or getting into trouble, you should consider alternative solutions before pulling out your wallet.

It’s not just math that is difficult, it’s also you. And who wants the hassle of explaining spending patterns labeled “math homework” during family Monopoly? Don’t be afraid to tackle the maths! Then what is the point of doing it?

When someone whispers, “Can you pay someone else to complete my online classes?” Asking why people feel this way is a better approach than assuming that we are right. It is important to listen, and not just because we are uncomfortable.

Unveiling Seattle’s Secret World of Plastic Surgery

Seattle, oh Seattle! Land of endless rain, coffee at every corner, and where the Space Needle stands tall. But there’s another side to this city that doesn’t get as much airtime. Yes, I’m talking about advantages of plastic surgery. Now, before you roll your eyes and click away, hear me out. This isn’t your grandma’s nip and tuck story.

First off, let’s get one thing straight: the folks in Seattle are getting plastic surgery for all sorts of reasons. It’s not just about looking like a movie star or trying to stop time in its tracks. Some are doing it to feel more like themselves after a big life change, while others might be fixing something that’s bugged them since forever.

The surgeons here? They’re not your average Joe with a scalpel. These wizards have skills that could probably land them a gig at Hogwarts if they ever got tired of the OR. They listen, really listen, to what you’re saying because they know this journey is a big deal for you.

And technology? Let’s just say Seattle’s clinics are so cutting-edge they make sci-fi movies look outdated. Imagine walking in and seeing a 3D version of yourself that shows what you could look like post-op. No more guessing games or crossing fingers; it’s all there in high-def clarity.

Now, onto the juicy stuff – the procedures themselves. You’ve got your classics like nose jobs and boob jobs but don’t think Seattle stops there. Want to tweak something small? There’s a laser or needle ready to go. Thinking bigger? These docs can sculpt you like clay into whatever masterpiece you have in mind.

But let’s pump the brakes for a sec and talk real talk. Just because it sounds cool doesn’t mean you should jump on the bandwagon without thinking it through. Picking someone to rearrange your face or body isn’t like choosing between latte flavors at Starbucks. You want someone who knows their stuff inside out and has the creds to back it up.

So yeah, diving into plastic surgery in Seattle is kind of like exploring a secret underground city – thrilling but also something you gotta approach with your eyes wide open.

At the end of the day (or this ramble), remember: whether you’re looking to tweak, tuck, or totally transform, doing it in Seattle means stepping into a world where art meets science on the daily. Just make sure you’re doing it for you because let’s face it – feeling good in your skin beats any rainy day blues this city can throw at us.

And hey, worst case scenario? If things don’t go as planned, at least we live in a city where wearing sunglasses year-round doesn’t raise any eyebrows… except maybe those perfectly arched ones fresh from recovery!nto an art form – where technology meets empathy meets environmental consciousness meets… well, you! So if ever there was a place to embark on a journey of transformation (or just get those laugh lines smoothed out), this city is it.

Remember: In Seattle, change isn’t just possible; it comes with a side of coffee.Because at the end of the day, whether they’re erasing wrinkles or rebuilding lives piece by piece, these docs make real-life magic happen daily – no wands required.ated to changing lives—one stitch at a time.

And hey—if nothing else sticks from our little chat today remember this: if you ever consider going under the knife yourself… make sure your doc can handle both scalpel AND soul with equal finesse.